Our communicative methodology and materials used in our classes give everything necessary to speak, write, and understand the Spanish language within a particular context. We promote the use and learning of Spanish within real contexts for specific purposes.
Spanish in Context knows that people learn in different ways and considers the particular needs of each of our students. We listen to the student speak and we help correct pronunciation, and we expose our students to real communicative situations that promote learning through real-world usage of the language. Each lesson strengthens your language skills according to themes and topics that are chosen.
We use resources and conduct activities that promote the development of the following language skills: listening comprehension, reading comprehension, interaction and oral and written expression, without leaving aside the important aspects of grammar and vocabulary.
Spanish in Context classes are based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment, CEF (2002). If you want to know more about The Common Reference Levels: global scale, please click here.

Online, either individual or group sessions.
These classes can be done through Skype.
Specific books and materials
are required.