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A noun is a word used to identify a person, place, thing, or idea. In Spanish, nouns have gender, feminine or masculine. Also, they have number, singular or plural.

Masculine nouns Femenine nouns

Ending in “o”: el abuelo Ending in “a”: la abuela

el número la computadora

Ending in “or”: el profesor Ending in “ora”: la profesora

Ending in “ista”: el pianista Ending in “ista”: la pianista

Ending in “ma”: el problema Ending in “ción”: la canción

Ending in “s”: el país Ending in “dad”: la universidad

There are some exceptions to the rules of gender:

  • la mano, ending in “o”, but it is feminine

  • el mapa, ending in “a”, but it is masculine

Plural of nouns

If a noun ends in a vowel: add “s”: el abuelo – los abuelos

If a noun ends in a consonant add “es”: el lápiz – los lápices

When the plural refers to two or more nouns of different genders, use the masculine plural form:

3 niños + 4 niñas = 7 niños

(masculine) + (femenine) = (Masculine plural)




  3. José A. Blanco. (2012). Vistas: Introducción a la Lengua Española. Boston Massachusetts: Vista Higher Learning

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